четверг, 10 апреля 2014 г.

Troubleshoooting Blogspot embedding problems

Let imagine you carefully writing longish blog post, which you've accompanied with a number of embedded videos from Yandex.Video or slides from SlideShare. But eventually you want to see your blogpost preview, and OMG, all this embedded content gone! Nothing is visible, only silly boxes.

What the heck? No problemo - all browser problems should be properly logged to the the browser log. For the Chrome it would contains those entries:

Do you see the problem? You are watching this preview page via https:// protocol, but embedded content is using http:// instead. This could be fixed 2 ways:
  • You properly craft embedded blocks and change URIs mentioned to use default protocol of the page
  • or simply change preview page address from using https:// to http:// leaving all other tokens intact...


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